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扣扣飞车游戏背景音乐 《In The End》在线试听送MP3链接下载地址

扣扣飞车游戏背景音乐 《In The End》在线试听送MP3链接下载地址


Linkin Park (林肯公园)-In The End (最后)  歌词

It starts with one

One thing I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme to explain in due time

All I know

Time is a valuable thing

Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings

Watch it count down to the end of the day

The clock ticks life away

It's so unreal

Didn't look out below

Watched the time go right out the window

Tryin' to hold on didn't even know

I wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside

And even though I tried it all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually

Be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far

But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to fall to lose it all

But in the end it doesn't even matter

One thing I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme to remind myself how

I tried so hard

In spite of the way you were mocking me

Acting like I was part of your property

Remembering all the times you fought with me

I'm surprised it got so far

Things aren't the way they were before

You wouldn't even recognize me anymore

Not that you knew me back then

But it all comes back to me in the end

I kept everything inside

And even though I tried it all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually

Be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far

But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to fall to lose it all

But in the end it doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There's only one thing you should know

I've put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There's only one thing you should know

I tried so hard and got so far

But in the end it doesn't even matter

I had to fall to lose it all

But in the end it doesn't even matter

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